Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Snapshots from Last Year

Welcome to the MSC FISH Costa Rica blog! The goal of this online journal is to keep our friends and relatives back home in the States informed about our adventures in the wonderful Latin American country of Costa Rica. Less than two weeks from now, our group will be departing for this service learning trip. From now until then we will be eagerly preparing to be sure that all is in order. To get people a little more excited I have posted photos from last year's trip. Enjoy!

A view of the ash covered Mt. Arenal, an active volcano near La Fortuna. We will spend part of a day hiking this wildly diverse area.
At a local swim spot, we stopped at these small waterfalls for a quick chance to cool off.
This is the playground the students play on daily. Although it had many rocks, the children still continued to play soccer on it!
Before we departed from the school, we took a photo of the students and volunteers.The man on the right is Alberth (pronounced Albert). He is our phenomenal guide and all around nature aficionado. Alberth is known for his bird calls and fearless snake captures.
This is a view of the beautiful Costa Rican countryside on our bus ride from the airport to the Soltis Center.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Nice pictures, Fishing in Costa Rica offers you services for your holidays to be more memorable with your friends and family. Enjoy this chance, thanks...
